How to set up a Frontier SCS (Supply Chain Solutions) Baseline account [Step-by-Step guide]

Modified on Wed, 12 Jun 2024 at 05:30 PM


When setting up a Frontier SCS Carrier account, you will have to: 

NOTE: This article describes how to set up the Carrier baseline account.
If the Carrier baseline account has already been set up and you intend to add a new Billing Account, refer to: How to add and set up a Frontier SCS (Supply Chain Solutions) Billing Account [Step-by-Step guide]


1. Access Maintenance and select Carriers

2. Click the Carrier for which you'll add the account to from the list

3. Click the Accounts tab

4. Click Add Account

5. In General Options set:

  1. Name -> Frontier SCS
  2. Usage mode -> Production
  3. Status -> Active
  4. Label mode -> ZPL or PDF
  5. SCAC -> Carrier/SCAC code you're using in the WMS 

6. In Carrier Options set and Save:


1. API User and Password -> API Credentials

2. Sender address info -> Warehouse induction address


1. Custom Tracking Prefix -> Complete with the prefix you will use in your tracking number if needed; if empty, it will operate as standard 

2. Custom Tracking Length -> Indicate the numeric amount of characters you need for your tracking numbers; if empty, it will operate as standard


Once ready, proceed to setting up the Billing Account as described in: How to add and set up a Frontier SCS (Supply Chain Solutions) Billing Account [Step-by-Step guide]

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